Walker Sherman
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Here We Are Lyrics
hey i see you
you know me
and yours eyes dont tell me otherwise

girl you loved me
theres a history
beneath the silence of a world we left behind


here we are in this place again
thinking about all the things we used to say
and all the things we used to do
but now your silence is a bullet girl
and you shoot it straight and true
but after the chambers empty love, 
 will we find our hearts are empty too
could i keep myself from loving you
is it impossible to do

you remember last december
though your heart cant seem to reconcile
so you hide this 
you denie this 
pack me away in the tattered boxes of your mind
but your eyes have 
always told me
what your lips cant seem to compromise



love could change youre heart
love could take your hand
love could break that crutch
love could help you stand

love brings healing not a crutch
love rules with a cross not sceptor 
Notes on Here We Are
this is one of the last tunes i wrote for 
"release".  my ex and i still attend the 
same church and this is a very difficult 
thing for me.  i love her and im glad she 
is there, but its so hard to see her.  i 
really want whats best for her and i believe 
she can find that in worship.  part of me 
loves to think about what could have been 
when i see her and restores a hope in me 
that i fear is better off dead.  it has 
bothered me though that she seems to act as 
though she doesnt know me the few times we've 
talked in public.  this song is an expression 
of things i cannot say to her. i know you.  
we had a history.  ours was not a perfect song 
but it was still beautiful in places.  

the bridge is the idea that just believing 
in something doesnt make it real.  also the 
idea that if one uses relationships to try to 
fill the God shaped hole in his heart, that 
heart shall remain crippled.  one can become so 
attached to that addiction of a relationship 
that he doesnt realize his crumbling kingdom 
is decaying due to that with which he ruled 
it. it was not a crutch he needed so that he 
could limp, it was healing he needed so that 
he could dance.
